This report provides information on the energy market to promote effective competition and achieve the best outcomes for Victorian energy consumers
Victorian Energy Market Report
The Victorian Energy Market Report aims to build consumer understanding of how the market operates.
Victorian Energy Market Report – June 2024
Key messages and findings
Compliance and enforcement activities
We have continued our strong actions against non-compliance with energy rules.
- We accepted a court enforceable undertaking from AusNet. The enforceable undertaking represents a legally binding obligation for AusNet to directly contribute $12 million to provide remediation to affected customers.
- Retailers paid penalty notices totalling over $730,000 for alleged contraventions of Victorian energy rules.
Customers experiencing payment difficulty
There were increases in gas customers accessing tailored assistance. In March 2024 there were 62,370 gas customers receiving tailored assistance, up 17 per cent compared to March 2023.
For the same period there was a 10 per cent increase in electricity customers receiving assistance (up to 70,839).
The report tracks energy retailer activity and consumer trends between January and March 2024, including articles covering:
Energy in Victoria (EiV)
- Compliance and enforcement activity – a summary of our compliance and enforcement actions between January and March 2024
- Customers experiencing payment difficulty – provides analysis of data and trends relating to customers who are experiencing payment difficulty
- Disconnections for non-payment – provides an update of data relating to customers who are disconnected for non-payment
- GreenPower offers – summarises GreenPower offers in the market
- Market entry and exit – an update on licences granted, the regulatory sandboxing framework and electricity licence exemptions activity
- Reports and reviews – an overview of our most recent and upcoming publications
Victorian Energy Market Dashboard
With the Victorian Energy Market Report, we also publish the Victorian Energy Market Dashboard. The dashboard brings the data we previously published as Microsoft Excel tables into a more usable and interactive format.
The dashboard offers graphical representations that provide a quick overview of the essential trends in the energy market. It includes summaries of customer statistics, such as the number of customers and the types of contracts they are on. Additionally, it provides information on customers receiving assistance for bill payments, government concessions, and Utility Relief Grants. The dashboard also presents customer service performance metrics, including call waiting times, abandoned calls, and customer complaints. Furthermore, it covers disconnections for non-payment.
The Victorian Energy Market Dashboard enhances accessibility and facilitates a comprehensive understanding of key insights within the energy market.
Previous reports
Victorian energy market report and updates in 2023-24
Victorian energy market report and updates in 2022-23
Data previously published as Microsoft Excel tables with our annual Victorian Energy Market Report is now available in a more usable and interactive format in our Victorian energy market dashboard.
Victorian energy market report and updates in 2021-22
Victorian energy market report and updates in 2020-21
Victorian energy market report and updates in 2019-20
Note: The table names in this excel reference the figure numbers used throughout the report and the rest are supplementary tables. This uses the most up to date information from retailers and may differ from previous reports
Victorian energy market report and updates in 2018-19
Victorian energy market report and updates in 2017-18
This report provides a full summary of the Victorian energy market in 2017-18.
This snapshot report provides a short summary of the Victorian energy market in 2017-18. This report has since been superseded by the Victorian Energy Market Report 2017-18.
This update provides information on standard contract prices of Victorian gas retailers for 2017 – 18. This includes updated prices published by retailers on 8 and 15 December 2017.
Victorian Energy Market Report 2016-17
Victorian Energy Market Report 2015-16
Victorian Energy Market Report Updates: 2016-2017
Energy retail performance reports
These reports pre-date the Victorian Energy Market Report.